
YCombinator scraping

Let's parse companies from YCombinator.

Detection step

First, initialize the the WebCrawler and ParserAI instances:

from scraperai import SeleniumCrawler, ParserAI

crawler = SeleniumCrawler()
parser = ParserAI(openai_api_key='sk-...')

Next, open the start page:

start_url = 'https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/'

We know it's a catalog page, so we'll skip page type detection. Let's detect pagination on the page:

pagination = parser.detect_pagination(crawler.page_source)
## Output: Pagination using infinite scroll

Next find catalog's items selector:

catalog_item = parser.detect_catalog_item(page_source=crawler.page_source, website_url=start_url)
## Output: <card_xpath="//a[contains(@class, '_company_99gj3_339')]" url_xpath="//a[contains(@class, '_company_99gj3_339')]/@href">

For simplicity, we are not going to details pages in this example. Thus, let's find data fields in the catalog's item card:

fields = parser.extract_fields(html_snippet=catalog_item.html_snippet)
## Output: 4 static fields, 0 dynamic fields


Scraping step

Let's wrap everything from the previous step into a ScraperConfig:

from scraperai.models import ScraperConfig, WebpageType

config = ScraperConfig(
    open_nested_pages=False,  # We are not going to details pages
    max_pages=10,  # Limit pages count
    max_rows=1000  # Limit rows count

Now, create a Scraper instance. It will help us to collect the data.

from scraperai import Scraper

scraper = Scraper(config=config, crawler=crawler)

Finally, iterate over the data using .scrape() generator:

items = []
for item in scraper.scrape():


That's all! All the data can be found in items list. You may further convert it to any desired format.

Jupyter notebook

You can find a more detailed example in this jupyter notebook. In the notebook we present two expirements:

  1. List of YCombinator companies
  2. List of commits in the repository


Other examples can be found here.